In agreement with is a phrase that can be used to express concurrence or conformity. It`s often used in legal, academic, and formal writing when describing the alignment of one idea or statement with another. In this article, we`ll explore how to use in agreement with in a sentence effectively.

Before diving into the details, it`s essential to understand the meaning and usage of in agreement with. Simply said, the phrase means to be on the same page or of the same mind about a particular subject or situation. The phrase can be used as an adverbial phrase, meaning that it modifies the verb in a sentence. As a copy editor, it`s important to use the phrase in the correct way to convey the intended meaning of the sentence.

Here are some examples of how to use in agreement with in a sentence:

Example 1: The findings of the study are in agreement with the previous research in the field.

In this sentence, the phrase in agreement with is used to express that the findings of the study conform to the previous research in the field. The phrase is placed after the verb are, which makes it an adverbial phrase that modifies the verb.

Example 2: The company`s policies are not in agreement with the state`s regulations.

In this sentence, the phrase in agreement with is used to express that the company`s policies do not match or comply with the state`s regulations. Here, the phrase is used as an adverbial phrase that modifies the verb are not.

Example 3: The team`s decision was made in agreement with the guidelines set forth by the manager.

In this sentence, the phrase in agreement with is used to express that the team`s decision was made while adhering to the guidelines set by the manager. The phrase is placed after the verb was made, making it an adverbial phrase that modifies the verb.

When using in agreement with in a sentence, it`s important to consider the context of the sentence and the intended meaning. It`s also vital to ensure that the phrase is grammatically correct and appropriately placed in the sentence. As a copy editor, your role is to ensure that the sentence is well-structured and conveys the intended meaning effectively.

In conclusion, in agreement with is a useful phrase that can be used to express conformity or concurrence. As a professional, understanding how to use this phrase effectively can help you write compelling and grammatically correct content that conveys the intended meaning effectively.